Now Accepting New Patients. Please Contact Us Or Call (951) 335-5858 For A Consultation.

Do you struggle with anxiety, depression, loss of a sense of self, or relationship problems that affect your ability to function? Pushing away your needs and not taking time for yourself can lead to long-term problems. We believe it should not be so hard to live a better life.​
Our experienced, licensed professionals have training and experience working with children and adults for various concerns and referral questions, practicing from various perspectives and evidence-based treatment models. Whether you're looking for personal growth, healing, or improved relationships, we’re here to help.
Contact us today to schedule your appointment and start your journey toward emotional well-being!

Psychological Assessment (Ages 5+)
Psychological Assessment refers to the objective measurement of psychological (cognitive, emotional, personality, etc.) traits in order to help come to a decision about an individual and one’s behavior. The assessment will determine if the individual evaluated meets the DSM-V criteria for a diagnosis of an emotional, behavioral, or cognitive disorder (e.g. ADHD, Specific Learning Disorder(s), Autism, Depression, Anxiety, etc.).
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Presurgical Evaluation
Bariatric Clearance psychological assessment is required by most insurance companies to ensure that the individual seeking bariatric surgery does not have mental or behavioral disorders that may interfere with long-term weight loss success.
Spinal Cord Stimulator psychological assessment is part of evaluating the surgery candidate’s suitability and the likelihood of successful outcomes after surgery. The current literature suggests that psychological factors such as somatization, depression, anxiety, and poor coping are important predictors of poor outcomes following SCS
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Therapy (Ages 18+)
Psychotherapy refers to the use of psychological methods of treatment to improve mental health conditions. Methods of psychotherapy offered include individual therapy services:
Anxiety & Grief, Bipolar/Related Disorder, Personality Disorders, Chronic Pain & Depression, Dual Diagnosis & Elderly Persons, Marital and Premarital, Obsessive-Compulsive (OCD) and Schizophrenia Spectrum/Psychotic Disorders.
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Neuropsychological Assessment
Neuropsychological Assessment refers to multiple domains of functioning and offers individualized recommendations to the child or adult based on their unique cognitive profile. A neuropsychological evaluation can explain why a problem exists and give more specific recommendations as to what should be done to improve performance or accommodate based on one’s cognitive abilities.
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